Dental Hygiene Appointments

Keeping your hygiene appointment is the single most important thing that you can do for your overall dental health. We have a hygienist that will take great care making sure your teeth feel clean and can bring any problem areas to the attention of our doctor. The doctor and hygienist will determine if you should be on a three, four or 6 month care schedule. Typically, to be in a six month cycle, plaque control and gum health must be present.  

Every year it is important to have a bitewing radiographs taken. Looking in between the team is hard even for the doctor to do. It is recommended that at least every three years a complete set of radiographs be taken. Prevention is always cheaper than dealing with a dental breakdown. Proper flossing brushing and a possible use of a water pik will keep your mouth healthier and breath fresher. Don’t forget that all new patients must have a doctor's evaluation as well as a review of recent radiographs prior to your initial visit with our hygienist. See you soon!